I bet its all an excuse so that when she forces me to show off what I learnt she can start telling all our relatives how fat my body's becoming and whatever. Maybe I should start going to the gym. High metabolism doesn't last forever right. Plus there's just no running away from Indian Woman Syndrome(IWS)
Haha maybe I can get Jillian to learn with me. She is the vainpot of the family anyway. The only one who gets annoyed, aside from my grandparents, when I wear halters, cause its dressing sexier than her. Haha damn cute lah. She's like five in case you were wondering.
Nikita and Joseph came to stay the weekend. Or like half the weekend. Nikita's so adorable, listening to all her baby talk. And after a consecutive bunch of hyperactive kids, a passive baby is such a welcome change. This baby is so showered with love its amazing. Like everyone loves holding on to her and she's so clingy. Like she's the only baby her age who'd rather snuggle than go investigate her surroundings. Its so so adorable, you just wanna kidnap her and run away.

My favourite-est photo of Nikita, showing off her new teeth.
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